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               Everyone wants to be a super hero in this world. Super heroes are literally not born they are moulded into one. Most of us have a wonderful childhood. A childhood with sun rays beaming into our eyes hoping for a bright future, pleasant memories, photographs etc all leading us into the formation of an unadulterated pure human being in the near future. Since I am  part of an atheist side someone who doesn't believe in fate nor someone who believes in super natural powers but a strong believer in destiny. Destiny where our life should lead into. So many children are born in good environment with lovable father and mother and someone are born orphans due to various circumstances. I don't call this as fate, but as destiny. Destiny wants us to make our own self stronger and better by learning from the outside world. These sorts of people are bound to be stronger than the normal spoon feeding child who normally depends too much on their parents. But there is another section in our society were children are moulded in to criminals because of their rough child hood. The agony they face at a very young age. The fear which strikes their eyes each and every day. These type of children who live with their family to certain extend and when they are estranged suddenly problems arises there. Baring they are rich or poor, each and every child needs someone to guide them and that someone would be mostly their parents. When a mother or father dies or both leave this world imagine what happens to that innocent heart which pumps so calmly. First the child becomes pathetic, then sorrow strikes then the most important of all the child decides to show frustration to the outside world. This is the point were our child hood gets ruined and our society gets damaged. I always believe that humans don't kill society. society always kills society.

                Only few kids have the unfortunate fortune to see their parents get killed in front of  their own blooming eyes. Every city have criminals flooded with. The criminals kill people just for the sake of money, they don't care about other people's responsibility. They only have the urge to satisfy themselves not to satisfy others leaving many roots in the need of water. These roots either die or grow with the help of water. What I am trying to imply is the dying roots are the violence struck children who turn in to hard mercy less culprits and the watered roots either grow in to vigilante or have a peaceful life.

                Fear is the worst enemy one can have in their life. One should learn to overcome fear. One should have the strong will to fight the bitterness and overcome it with skillful acts. The real reason one who falls in their life is because at certain point we should learn to pick ourselves up. After all 'its not about who we are underneath, its about what we do to define ourselves'.

              Today we are going to talk about one of the cult super hero movies ever made in the history of world cinema. A super hero generally provokes small children but this superhero sets an example how each and every soul in this world should lead their life. Superheroes always have a dark or rough childhood i.e they always have a bitter flashback to explain why they turn in to a superhero. But super hero's depends on the necessity kills some violent people depending on the needs but this person is a hardened vigilante someone who likes to clean the society with his intellectual and provoking ideas with a dark heart. Someone who has adapted darkness like the bat which is active only during the night. Yes I am talking about the evergreen vigilante cum superhero 'THE BATMAN'

      Many movies were made based on this fictional character but Christopher Nolan's directorial work on Batman seems to be the best superhero movie made ever till date.  Christopher Nolan the talented and pioneer director of our times wrote the script into a huge one and later filmed into three parts. BATMAN BEGINS(2005) is the first part of this epic trilogy.

                 The plot is this Bruce Wayne(Christian Bale) who has a high fear towards bats falls into a well  were he is attacked by a swarm of bats and so he develops a fear towards bats and his father Thomas Wayne rescues him and utters these words 'why do we fall Bruce?'' ' so that we could pick ourselves up'. These golden words strikes him daily. After some days he witness his parents murdered in front of his own eyes outside opera house by a petty thief for the sake of money. He is struck deeply in his heart by his parents death and as a child he meets Commissioner Gordon(Gary Oldman) advice him to be strong and later Bruce was brought up by Wayne family's trustee Alfred Pennyworth(Michael Caine). As a grown up he decides to take revenge on the mug who killed his parents with a gun but his efforts goes in vain. After his child hood friend and District Attorney Rachel Dawes comes to know about this he slaps Bruce Wayne saying his father won't be happy about his act and tells him that the law cannot be taken by anyone in  their own hands. After that he decides to meet Carmine Falcone in a night club. Falcone intimidates him saying that fear is the real power that one could have to dominate and rule others. Struck by his speech Wayne decides to travel around the world and learn the techniques of a criminal and he himself becomes a criminal. He is caught red handed one day for criminal activities and imprisoned to Bhutanese prison. Henri Ducard(Liam Neeson) offers him to teach the art of adopting to darkness and to join him as a member of league of shadows. After learning the way to overcome fears when he was about to league of shadows but then he realizes that the main motive of league of shadows is to destroy Gotham  city. As Gotham city was beyond saying the only way to restore balance is to destroy Gotham but Bruce Wayne refuses to be an executioner and escapes from the prison some how killing Ra's al Ghul. Sooner or later Bruce Wayne returns to Gotham he takes charge over his family's company Wayne Enterprises. Bruce meets Lucius Fox (Morgan Freeman) who shows his various prototype technologies like tumbler and body suit. Taking these and with the prolonged training on splunking  he builds a cave in his well confronts his fear towards bats and disguising himself as 'THE BATMAN'. As the Batman his first priority was empowering Gordon and to stop the drug dealing and providing enough evidence to Rachel helping her to arrest Falcone. Then he confronts Dr Crane(Cillian Murphy) and how he stops scarecrow and the forthcoming encounter he faces forms the rest of the plot.

           Performance wise Christian Bale was at his psychological best. At some scenes you would really believe batman really existed. The way he overcomes his fear and how he adopted darkness as his ally is quite really amusing. Gary Oldman as Commissioner Gordon is so stylish and really unpredictable in the crime struck Gotham city. Catie Holmes as Rachel was perfect. Liam Neeson was so impressive in his dual characters as I wont reveal what are the characters are.


             In the technical side Christopher Nolan is the ultimate best person to have on board. The way he handled the script is so amazing and amusing. His perfectly planned shots and dialogues needs a special mention. Hans Zimmer, this lad is on fire with a script like this he sets the screen on fire with his scintillating back ground score. Cinematography by Wally Pfister was genius. His camera angles was so picture perfect. For his fantastic work he was even nominated for the academy awards.

             I assure you that ten years from now on Christian Bale will be our only Batman and Christopher Nolan would be remembered as the only director known for showing Batman in a fantastic way even though how many Batman movies we come cross. Its my personal view.

           One unknown fact about the movie is Cillian Murphy who played Dr crane once came to attend the audition to play Batman but Christopher Nolan had other plans for him.

MY RATING - 4.75/5.

P.S - Many superhero movies may come and go but this movie(trilogy) will always remain the pioneer among it. You can count on me regarding this...!! To read the reviews of the following sequels The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises click on it..
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